Watford City track teams hit the ground running
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
The track season for Watford City High School started with the Williston Indoor Track Meet, Friday, March 10.
Both the boys and girls teams were represented and the coaches for each team say that they are looking forward to the new season.
Derek Roemmich, coach for the girls team, said, “We ended up doing well in our first meet of the year, taking second at the meet as a team. We have a couple of returning state qualifiers from last year: Jaelyn Ogle, Savanna Olson, Katie Olson, and Fallon Sampsel. We had a couple of ladies that won their events (Jaelyn Ogle 1600m and Danitria Brantley 60mH) and a good number that placed in the meet. Overall, it was a successful day.”
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