Tucker pockets $882 at county fair rodeo

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Tucker Dale of Halliday was the top money winner at the McKenzie County Fair Rodeo on Saturday, June 22, as he pocketed $882.03 after winning first place in the men’s team roping event. But Dale wasn’t the only big winner at the rodeo as Sindy Jandreau of Watford City earned $849.96 taking first in the ladies barrel racing.
Drawing one of its largest crowds in recent years, the fairground’s grandstand was packed with fans as they watched the top cowboys and cowgirls from across North and South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Canada compete.
Other top money winners were Jordyn Schaefer of Des Lacs who pocketed $799.70 winning the ladies breakaway and Boyd Stroh of Dickinson who took home $6,724.90 as he won the saddle bronc competition.
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