Schwagler wins bareback riding, other events result in ties

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
Tate Schwagler of Mandan was perhaps the biggest of winners at the McKenzie County Fair’s NDRA Rodeo held Saturday, July 9.
Schwagler scored a 67 in bareback riding, winning over $1,300 in the event. Other first-place winners included Jon Peek of Berthold with an 8.5 in calf roping and Hali Gjermundson of Marshall who won ladies barrel racing with a 15.574.
Kaycee Nelson of Buffalo won ladies breakaway with a 2.3 while Quint Stroh of Dickinson and Beach’s Logan Nielson tied for saddle bronc with a score of 73. Tim Nelson of Midland, S.D., and Minot’s Jim Graven tied too for senior men’s breakaway, each with a 3.2. Minot’s Garrett Peterson won steer wrestling with a 3.5. Cole Peterson and Chase Peterson, both of Des Lacs, tied for first in team roping with a 5.0.
Bull riding garnered no rides.
The following are the place finishers at the 2016 McKenzie County Fair Rodeo.
Bareback Riding: 1. Tate Schwagler, Mandan, 67, $1,345.60.
Bull Riding: No rides.
Calf Roping: 1. Jon Peek, Berthold, 8.5, $612.71; 2. Blake Eggl, Minot, 9.0, $454.25; 3. Clint Neshem, Des Lacs, 9.0, $454.25; 4. Don Morgan, Bismarck, 10.0, $295.79; 5. Tyler Thorson, Towner, 10.1, $190.15; 6. Lane Rossow, South Heart, 10.3, $105.65; 7. Kane Gjermundson, Marshall, 10.8; 8. Riley Reiss, Manning, 10.9; 9. Brendon Butterfield, Richardton, 10.9.
Ladies Barrel Racing: 1. Hali, Gjermundson, Marshall, 16.574, $870.32; 2. Jackie Schau, Almont, 16.750, $751.64; 3. Bailee Murnion, Bowman, 16.761, $672.52; 4. Kara Langerud, Watford City, 17.121, $514.28; 5. Victoria Netzer, Sidney, 17.180, $356.04; 6. Whitney Olson, Killdeer, 17.222, $237.36; 7. Amanda Rosencranz, Jamestown, 17.276, $197.80; 8. Lindsey O’Keeffe, Watford City, 17.291, $158.24; 9. Josey Clark, Carrington, 17.307, $118.68; 10. Amy Newman, Stanley, 17.319, $79.12.
Ladies Breakaway: 1. Kaycee Nelson, Buffalo, 2.3, $801.80; 2. Hanna Brown, Faith, 2.6, $673.51; 3. Mamie Kieson, Alexander, 2.8, $577.30; 4. Codi Sebastian, Dickinson, 2.9, $449.01; 5. Laine Hanson, Jamestown, 3.0, $256.58; 6. Halley Kleemann, Killdeer, 3.0, $256.58; 7. Shelby Schields, Dodge, 3.3, $96.22; 8. Samantha Jorgenson, Watford City, 3.3, $96.22.
Saddle Bronc: 1. Qwint Stroh, Dickinson, 73, $493.73; 2. Logan Nielson, Beach, 73, $493.73; 3. Jace Cooley, Miles City, 63, $300.54.
Senior Men’s Breakaway: 1. Tim Nelson, Midland, 3.2, $544.63; 2. Jim Graven, Minot, 3.2, $544.63; 3. Harold Gerdes, Hecla, 4.0, $390.49; 4. Donnie Schwalbe, Beulah, 4.3, $287.73; 5. Jon Schields, Dodge, 4.5, $184.97; 6. Bill Jorgenson, Watford City, 4.6, $102.75; 7. Arlyn Lawrence, Mobridge, 4.9; 8. Kelly Eggl, Minot, 5.2; 9. Shane Peabody, Ekalaka, 14.7.
Steer Wrestling: 1. Garrett Peterson, Minot, 3.5, $646.12; 2. Austin Maier, Elgin, 4.0, $423.32; 3. Tyler Schau, Almont, 4.0, $423.32; 4. Evan Entze, Golden Valley, 4.0, $423.32; 5. Justice Johnson, Bismarck, 4.1, $200.52; 6. Tad Else, Westby, 4.2, $111.40; 7. JD Dolezal, Killdeer, 4.3; 8. Joe Nelson, Alexander, 5.5.
Team Roping: 1. Cole Peterson, Des Lacs and Chase Peterson, Des Lacs, 5.0, $919.30 ea.; 2. Elliot Gourneau, Kennebec and JD Gerard, Kennebec, 5.9, $772.21 ea.; 3. Scott White and Jake Nelson, Creighton, 6.0, $661.89 ea.; 4. JD Johnson, Bismarck and Dillon Alverez, Bismarck, 6.3, $514.80 ea.; 5. Jason Thorstenson, Rapid City and Paul Greinsmen, Peidmont, 6.8, $367.72 ea.; 6. Rob Black, Minot and Robert Murphy, Des Lacs, 7.0, $220.63 ea.; 7. Tim Franzen, Sidney and Layne Carson, Grassy Butte, 8.0, $147.08 ea.; 8. Jason Schaffer, Broadus and Haven Meged, Miles City, 11.1, $73.54 ea.