McKenzie County 4-H hosts Badlands Roundup Archery Match

By Marcia Hellandsaas
Guest Columnist
McKenzie County Archers captured several first place team and top individual placings at the Badlands Roundup 4-H Archery Match held on Saturday, Jan. 11 at the McKenzie County Sportsman’s Club southeast of Watford City.
All first place individual achievers were awarded a plaque and second to fifth place individuals receive medals.
Top Barebow Beginner winners from McKenzie County were:
1st - Natalie Transtrom
3rd - Grant Linseth
5th - Anna Hovland
Other McKenzie County Archers were: Arbree, Beau, and Ronin Brown; Lincoln and Linder Echevarria; Rhett Fisher; Clyde Glover; Heston Jenks; Arlo Kangas; Brindle and Lauren Kubal; Lakya LaPaz; Charlie McCoy; Bridger Monson; Roger Pinckney; Poppy Schwartz; Clint Signalness; Adalyn and Londyn Transtrom; and Bella Wolff.
The McKenzie County Freestyle Beginners were First Place Team Achievers.
In the Freestyle beginner division, Logan Lovaas placed third individually. Chance Nottestad and Elsie and Natalie Transtrom also shot in this division.
The Junior Freestyle Shooters captured the Second Place Team position.
The Junior freestyle third place achiever was Luke Transtrom. Wyatt Barlow, Boston Foss, Barrett Kangas, Kyron and Lloen LaPaz, Colt Lawlar, Luke Nottestad, Parker Schmidt, Paul Smith, Hailey, Hannah and Leah Transtrom and Audrey and Bella Wolff were the remaining shooters from McKenzie County.
The Junior Barebow Division was won by McKenzie County.
First Place winner in Junior Barebow was Hailey Transtrom. Will Wisness captured Second Place honors. Also shooting Junior Barebow from McKenzie County were: Boston Foss, Clara Glover, Myah Jenks, Kyron LaPaz, Will McCoy, Brailyn Monson, Aria and Brianna Rink, Parker Schmidt, Payton Schultz, Paul Smith, Brody Sorenson and Bodey and Luke Transtrom.
The Senior Barebow Shooters were: Brylee Jenks, Bryan Leon, Amelia Odenbach, Luke Smith and Jayden Transtrom.
The Freestyle Senior Division First Place was taken by McKenzie County.
The Senior Freestyle top individuals were:
1st - Eldon Transtrom
3rd - Dylon Cargo
4th - DJ Beadle and
5th - Hailey Wendlandt
Other McKenzie County Archers were Luke Pedersen; Jacob Rink; Luke Smith; Wyatt Wisness; and Isaac and Mason Wolff.
Two Master Freestyle Shooters, Abagail Ferguson and Kacia Berg, also shot in the match and placed respectively.
For more information on the McKenzie County Archery Program, please contact NDSU Extension/McKenzie County at 701-444-3451.
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