April 24, 2013

Late spring hits baseball season

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

The late arrival of spring has put a big hurt on high school baseball. With most area baseball fields buried under snow, area coaches and athletic directors met last Saturday to come up with a plan to salvage the season.
And according to Randy Cranston, W.C.H.S. athletic director, an entire spring season for this region’s baseball action is going to be played on the Watford City field. Under the new revised schedule, three 7-inning games will be played  on April 30 and on May 2, 7 and 9 with makeup dates, if necessary scheduled for May 13 and 14.
“This is the best option that we have to get all of the games played before the Regional Tournament,” stated Cranston. The Regional Tournament will be held in Watford City May 20, 21, 23, 24 and 25.
According to Cranston, Watford City will also be hosting Des Lacs Burlington and Lewis & Clark this Thursday with games starting at 2 p.m. with other games scheduled for Friday and Saturday as well.
Region Baseball Schedule
(First game to start at 2 p.m. with next games starting 15 minutes after the completion of the prior game.All games will be played in Watford City unless otherwise noted.)
Tuesday, April 30
Des Lacs vs. Mohall-Lansford-Sherwood
Watford City vs. Des Lacs
Watford City vs. MLS
Thursday, May 2
Lewis & Clark vs. New Town
Watford City vs. Lewis & Clark
Watford City vs. New Town
Saturday, May 4
Watford City vs Trinity Christian @ Williston
Tuesday, May 7
MLS vs. Lewis & Clark
Watford City vs. MLS
Watford City vs. Lewis & Clark
Thursday, May 9
Lewis & Clark vs. Des Lacs
Watford City vs. Lewis Clark
Watford City vs. Des Lacs
Monday, May 13
Makeup Day, if necessary
Tuesday, May 14
Makeup Day, if necessary