Seth Jorgenson

Seth Thomas Jorgenson ended his life on March 4, 2022, at his place of residence in Watford City, N.D. He was 31 years old. Seth was a kind, caring, generous man who was bigger than life. He loved to make people smile and to help anyone in need, especially if he could use his great strength to do it.
Seth was born on Oct. 12, 1990, to Thomas B. and Teresa M. (Rustad) Jorgenson. He was raised in New Town, N.D. and Williston, N.D. Seth loved horses and cattle and he loved to rope. He roped his entire life. From the time he could walk, Seth enjoyed the competition of youth rodeos, jackpot team roping and rodeos with his dad and special friend and longtime roping partner Clay Brinkman. Jackpots and endless hours in the practice pen with his dad, brother and his grandpas were a part of his daily life. Seth won championships and had many great experiences in his rodeo career, many of which were done while heading steers for his dad.
Seth’s size and athleticism made him a favorite in high school sports, so in football and wrestling he was successful. Ultimately he went to the University of Mary on a scholarship to play football. Unfortunately, he was injured and wasn’t able to play more than half of a season. Football was his favorite sport. It was rough and fast and that’s the way he liked it.
In his adult life, Seth loved rodeos, the outdoors, watching movies, working cows and just being at the ranch in Watford City. Hunting in his ranger, riding his snowmobile, brandings, dragging calves and wrestling calves were things he would have done every day if he could.
Seth helped his family start and work a successful business in Williston, and did that for 10 years. He was quick with a smile and a joke and that made him popular with the customers at the front counter. He left Williston and the family business in the spring of 2021. He moved to Watford City to start another chapter of his life which he was very excited for. At the time of his passing, he was employed by Northern States Fishing Tools.
Things we loved about Seth...he loved Marvel movies, sweets, especially huge mugs of hot chocolate, his grandmother’s pancakes, which he ate countless times even though he didn’t like pancakes, but he loved his Grandma Barb. He would buy random, thoughtful, sometimes quirky gifts for his family. Hanging out with Clay and Shane, video games, Bear the heading horse, Mesa the dog and Romeo the cat. He was so big and strong that he could be outside in the winter with shorts or a light jacket and the cold didn’t faze him. He was a true gentleman to family and strangers alike. He had a rare sense of humor and the tenderest of hearts.
Seth’s journey here on earth has ended, but he will forever be seen and felt by his family in the badlands, the rodeo arena and anytime someone says “Shitchyeah.”
Seth is survived by his father, Tom and stepmother, Patti Jorgenson; sister, Shelby Jorgenson; brother, Chris (Brittany) Jorgenson; stepbrothers, Lucas Fryhling and Trent Fryhling; grandmothers, Barbara Jorgenson, and Sharon Rustad; uncles, Tim (Sue) Jorgenson, Todd (Donna) Rustad; aunts, Joan Kitzman, Tammy (Pat) O’Donnel, Tracy (James) Nielson; and all of his Jorgenson and Rustad cousins.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Teresa (Rustad) Jorgenson; grandfathers, Dale Jorgenson, Gordon Rustad; and cousin, Josh Kitzman.
Seth’s Memorial Service was held Monday, March 14, 2022, at 11 a.m. at the First Lutheran Church in Watford City, N.D. Reverend Paul Balaban officiated.
The Memorial Service was live-streamed. You can view Seth’s service directly on his obituary page on the website
Fulkerson Stevenson Funeral Home of Watford City, N.D., is assisting the family. Condolences may be left on the funeral home website at