Wolves moving up to Class A in sports

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Watford City’s growing school enrollment numbers have seen the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 be forced to expand its elementary school, create a new middle school and build a new high school.
Amid all that growth and change for the last several years, Watford City High School was able to compete at the Class B level in all sports programs, with the exception of football which has been at the Class AA level.
But two years ago, the high school’s enrollment numbers went over the 325 mark set by the North Dakota High School Activities Association, which meant Watford City High School was destined to leave the ranks of Class B sports.
And this year marks the end of a two-year transition period the NDHSAA allowed the school to prepare for its move to Class A sports and to compete in the Western Dakota Association (WDA).
“Watford City High School has already gone through so much transition that the move to Class A sports isn’t going to be that much of an issue,” states Jim Green, W.C.H.S. athletic director. “The big issue is going to be finding all of the coaches that we are going to need not only for our varsity programs, but for all of the lower level sporting programs as well.”
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