Wizard of Oz coming to Watford City

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
The Wizard of Oz is coming to the Watford City High School auditorium at 7 p.m. on March 9 and 10, and 1 p.m. on March 10.
Like some of their productions of the past, theater go-ers can buy the show ticket only option or opt to come early for an all included dinner, dessert and show package.
This year Choral Director Anna Schwartz wanted to bring a show with big name recognition to Watford City.
“For the spring show, we alternate every year between doing a play and a musical, so I was on the hunt for a big name musical,” said Schwartz. “We thought that the Wizard of Oz would be perfect because it is familiar to the community and we could involve some younger children as well.”
Struggling to find the rights for the classic Wizard of Oz, featuring the songs that are most familiar to audiences, W.C.H.S. found an ally in the Minot State University drama department.
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