Winter storm dumps 11” of snow across county

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
A fast moving winter storm that started out with freezing rain, along with thunder and lightning, on the evening of Sunday, March 4, ended up burying most of McKenzie County with over 11 inches of snow in a little more than 24 hours.
The storm, which caused the closing of area schools, the McKenzie County Courthouse, as well as several other local businesses, was the biggest single snow event of the winter and sent city and county snow crews into overdrive.
“We started de-icing city streets as best as we could on Sunday evening when it was raining,” stated Justin Smith, city public works superintendent.
But when the rain turned into heavy snow late Sunday evening and through Monday, Smith says the city’s crews were really put to the test.
“At the peak, we had three plows, one snowblower, a loader with a blade moving snow, while four trucks were hauling the snow from city streets,” stated Smith. “Monday was a real blur.”
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