W.C.H.S. students make their mark in community clean-up

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
If you noticed hundreds of teenagers scattered throughout town last Wednesday, it was Watford City High School (W.C.H.S.) students coming together for their annual community clean-up that not only improves the community, but also earns them school credit.
Whether it was painting playground equipment in city parks, picking up rubbish or cuddling cats and cleaning out their cages, the students learned how to earn their keep in one way or another.
“Everyone in grades 9 through 12 was involved in some phase of it and assigned to a project,” says Greg Yale, Watford City High School mathematics teacher. “They painted the swing set bar, merry-go-round and horses on the teeter-totter thing at the Sunshine Park.”
While the occasional horseplay could be expected as two students snickered at the imprint of painted hands on the back of one’s pants, Yale was willing to let it slide.
A student, long and limber like the slide he was painting, stood at the very top of it, running his roller down the side peak.
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