April 11, 2018

WAWSA asks city to forego accrued water payments

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

The Watford City City Council has agreed to forego over $2 million is baseline water payments owed to the city from the Western Area Water Supply Authority (WAWSA) due to low industrial water sales.
When Watford City along with the communities of Williston, Ray, Tioga, Stanley, Crosby and the R&T Water Supply Commerce Authority joined WAWSA as sub-members they agreed to stop selling industrial water. As part of the agreement, each of the sub-members was to receive an annual payment for those lost water sales in the form of a baseline payment.
In Watford City’s case, that annual baseline payment was to be $816,000.
But during the Watford City City Council Meeting on April 2, Jaret Wirtz, WAWSA executive director, asked the council to forego their payments for 2016 and 2017 when industrial water sales were low, as well as their 2018 payment as well.

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