Watford’s Farmers Market is back for another year
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
After an extreme makeover last year, the Watford City Farmers Market is back this summer for its second year at the Watford City Heritage Park.
Starting in the ’80s, Madeline Miller organized the market every year for over 30 years before handing the reins to Daniel Stenberg last year. Historically held in the parking lot of the BNC National Bank on Main Street, the market featured produce from local growers who wanted to sell their excess harvest.
Last year, the market changed locations and added more vendors including handmade items, hamburgers served by the Lions Club, live music from local musicians, and became an entire evening event for local families.
“This year’s market will look a lot like last summer,” said Stenberg. “We have had plenty of volunteer support and such a good response to the ideas we implemented last summer.”
A tricky question that the market faces every year is, will there be enough produce to sell?Don’t miss the chance to attend the Watford Market every Thursday evening from 5-7 p.m. at the Heritage Park from now until September.
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