December 11, 2019

Watford police to provide law enforcement for city of Arnegard

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

Nine months after the Arnegard City Council terminated its two-member police force following months of conflicts with Police Chief Troy White Owl and Officer Travis Bateman, law enforcement coverage is once again returning to the community.
Under a new agreement between the cities of Watford City and Arnegard, at a rate of $50 per hour the Watford City Police Department will be enforcing Arnegard city ordinances, as well as transporting individuals arrested for criminal matters to the McKenzie County Jail for processing and service of Arnegard complaints, citations and notifications.
“There are no time requirements for the Watford City Police Department. It will be on an as needed basis,” Wyatt Voll, Watford City city attorney told the Watford City City Council during the council’s meeting on Monday, Dec. 2. “It will be very much up to the Watford City Police Department as to how this is going to work.”
But for Virginia Elliot, Arnegard mayor, the agreement will provide the law enforcement coverage the city needs.

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