Watford City water and sewer rates will be going up
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
Following an eight percent increase in water and sewer rates in 2017, Watford City residents and businesses will see a more modest increase in 2018.
During the Watford City City Council’s meeting on Monday, Dec. 4, the council approved increasing residential basic service rates, which includes 2,000 gallons of water, from $23.11 to $24.03 per month, a four percent increase, while basic residential sewage rates increase from $24.02 to $24.26 per month.
For residential customers, the water usage rate above the base rate will increase from $4.77 to $4.96 per thousand gallons, while sewage rates above the base rate will increase from $2.60 to $2.63 per thousand gallons.
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