Watford City to hold utility rates steady
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
For the first time in several years, Watford City residents and businesses will not be seeing an increase in their water, sewer and garbage rates in 2019.
During the Watford City City Council Meeting on Monday, Dec. 3, the council approved no rate increases following an eight percent increase in 2018.
“In looking at what the city charges for water, sewer and garbage compared to other cities across the state, the council decided not to increase rates this year,” states Justin Smith, city public works director. “Watford City’s rates are currently among the highest in the state.”
As approved by the council, effective Jan. 1, 2019, residential water rates will remain at a minimum base rate of $24.03 per month, which includes 2,000 gallons of water, while basic residential sewage rates were left unchanged at $24.26 per month.
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