September 20, 2017

Watford City taxes going up as city’s budget goes down

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

Even though the City of Watford City is proposing to cut its 2018 budget by nearly $13 million from what it expects to spend in 2017, Watford City taxpayers are going to be seeing an increase in their property taxes.
Last year, the Watford City City Council approved a budget of $60.9 million. But according to Kathie Howes, city finance director, the city expects to end the calendar year with budget expenditures of just over $56.7 million.
For 2018, the city council is eyeing a budget of $43,993,422.
“The city is keeping the mill levy at the same rate as last year,” states Curt Moen, city administrator. “But because taxable valuations have increased in Watford City, that same mill levy will result in the city receiving more money.”
The city will be holding a public hearing on its proposed budget during its Oct. 2 board meeting, which begins at 6 p.m.

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