November 29, 2017

Watford City schools facing a substitute shortage

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

If you like being with students and seeing their eyes light up as they learn, and if you would like to earn $140 a day while doing that, then you may want to become a substitute teacher at McKenzie County Public School District No. 1.
On any given school day, 10 of the 105 full-time teachers in the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 aren’t in attendance. And the absences of those teachers, which represents nearly 10 percent of the district’s teaching staff, is creating problems for school administrators who are left scrambling to find substitutes to take over classroom assignments.
“Part of our problem with teacher absences is associated with us having a very young staff,” states Steve Holen, district superintendent. “We have teachers that are either sick themselves or have to stay home because their children are sick.”

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