Watford City ready for busy holiday shopping season

By Kate Ruggles
Farmer Staff Writer
The holiday season is in full swing in Watford City. Everyone from the Rough Rider Center to local retailers report a full and festive Black Friday, and feel there is more to come.
Kylee Roff, Business Development manager for the Rough Rider Center says that their “Twas the Day After Thanksgiving” event was a big success.
“We estimate that 300 to 350 people attended today’s event,” states Roff. “Not just little kids either. We had families, and kids from toddler age all the way to high school.”
Roff says that there was not a place in the Rough Rider Center that went unused. The pool, ice arena, bounce houses, fieldhouse, and laser tag were all busy from start to finish.
“Laser Tag, especially, had a line all day long,” Roff states.
Watford City’s Main Street was no different. Larsen Service Drug and Barrett Pharmacy & Variety both report a steady stream of shoppers and browsers all day on Black Friday.
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