Watford City gears up for the Best of the West Ribfest

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Friday, Aug. 9, is the Best of the West Ribfest in Watford City. This annual rib competition has steadily grown in popularity over the years and now it boasts being one of the most popular events of the summer in McKenzie County.
“This year we have 20 really good teams participating,” said event organizer and Watford City Chamber of Commerce Chairperson, Mary Gumke. “It really should be a great year.”
Many look forward to the competition between local teams, with some saying that the competition makes the ribs taste even better.
The rib booths will be on the northern end of Main Street, to keep them all together, and to allow the booths to clean up and leave once they are done serving ribs.
The 13th annual Best of the West Ribfest Classic Car and Truck Show will also be taking place at the same time, in the center of Main Street.
“The layout will be the same as last year, with the car show in the center. The rib teams will be on the north end of Main Street, and the food vendors and street vendors will be on the south side,” explained Gumke.
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