Watford City Bow Hunt numbers released

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
The second bow hunt within the city limits of Watford City has ended and the feedback from participants is mixed.
Officials say there were 54 hunters who got their permits to participate in the hunt. There were 147 licenses for deer harvesting obtained, and 59 deer harvested.
As part of their informational report, the Watford City Police Department gathered anonymous feedback from the participants this year.
The most common feedback was a desire for more area to hunt in because of the difficulty hunters had in locating deer within the designated zones.
“Shot one by the city shop. Maybe next year you can acquire more areas to hunt them where the deer actually hang out. I may or may not be buying more tags next year based on whether or not you guys acquire more area,” said one hunter.
“Zero for me. Could never seem to catch them in designated areas,” said another.
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