December 20, 2017

USGS agrees to reassess Bakken

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

North Dakota Senator John Hoeven (R), a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and Energy Appropriations Committee, has announced that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will conduct a comprehensive, broad-based resource estimate for the Williston Basin. The USGS notified Hoeven last week that it will undertake the analysis as a result of a meeting he hosted in Bismarck with USGS Acting Director William Werkheiser. Hoeven brought Werkheiser to the state to hear firsthand from energy leaders about the latest data, geological surveys and technical achievements in the oil field.
“Our state’s energy industry continues to develop new and innovative ways to produce more energy with better environmental stewardship,” stated Hoeven. “With these innovations come new assumptions about oil production in the Williston Basin. That’s why our producers made a strong case for this new USGS study. We appreciate the USGS taking a comprehensive look at the region as they work with the state and industry to update the estimate of recoverable oil.”

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