Two Watford City High School students attend leadership seminar
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Two Watford City High School students participated in the North Dakota Leadership Seminar from May 31, through June 2. Sam Chavez, daughter of Anthony and Shiloh Chavez, and Lauren Melland, daughter of Elizabeth and Joel Lockhart, were chosen to represent their school at the seminar.
The North Dakota Leadership Seminar has been going on for more that 40 years. A press release about the event states, “[The] North Dakota Leadership Seminar has brought together some of the North Dakota’s most talented young people from across our state to join together for an extraordinary weekend focused on leadership development, service, and issue awareness through empowering discussions and informal debate. Students walk away each year with the tools they need to motivate their peers to make a difference in their community and schools.”
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