Turning of a page for local library

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
Buying a bookmobile isn’t like looking for a new car. Just ask Kathy Trana.
“If you’re looking at a bookmobile, we’re dealing with companies, for the most part, that are not anywhere near close to where we live here,” the director of McKenzie County’s public library said.
“Ohio, North Carolina ... one of them lives in Colorado, another in Arizona.”
After nearly 20 years of faithful service from its only bookmobile ever, the public library here will retire the storied vehicle later this year after 112,813 miles.
“It served well after a lot of years,” Trana said, hoping for its replacement to come in early December, but a delay has made its ETA a little uncertain.
New bookmobiles can cost anywhere from $170,000 to over $200,000, she added, depending on size and features.
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