Turkey Bingo offers residents a chance to win holiday bird

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
If there’s one day you don’t want to go cold turkey on an evening this month, it’s Turkey Bingo. That’s because you could win one.
Long heralded as one of the greatest social events of the season, the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce along with participating area businesses will host its annual Turkey Bingo on Tuesday, Nov. 19, from 5 - 8:30 p.m. at the Watford City Intermediate School Commons Area.
Year after year, the Commons Area is filled to the max as community members gather for an evening of family-friendly festivities along with the opportunity to snatch one of over 100 free gobblers that are divvied up, thanks to area businesses that donate them.
“This is a good time,” says Mary Gumke, Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce executive director of the event that brought hundreds of people last year.
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