Training for the worst

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
What would you do if just now, an active shooter walked through the doorway? What would you do if you heard someone shooting other people right outside your door? Would you run, duck or fight?
This week I had the chance to step out of my usual role of writer to participate in a life-changing training put on by McKenzie County’s Emergency Manager and the Sheriff’s Office - ALICE training.
Several weeks ago, I interviewed Hallie Johnsrud and Kayla Koch about their harrowing experience at the Route 91 shooting in Las Vegas. For days, I could not shake the feeling that I have absolutely no idea what to do in an active shooter situation.
Just ask my husband who regularly jumps out from behind corners at me. My first response is always to fall to the floor screaming. He claims that he is trying to train me to react more offensively, but so far there has been no improvement. My instincts are not super quick and I tend to shut down when scared.
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