Traffic fatalities down as roadways improve
By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
Christian Sosa was driving south from Williston late one night in January when a semi hit him head-on.
The next thing the 21-year-old mud mixer remembers is waking up in his SUV as the other driver asked if he was OK.
Sosa said he escaped with only some scratches to his leg as local firefighters, ambulance and sheriff’s deputies and state highway patrol responded to the scene. He attributes his survival to Jesus Christ.
“There is no other explanation to me,” he said.
The late January crash on U.S. Highway 85 is one of many in recent years on arterial routes for the oil industry and other roadways. Fatalities on roads in McKenzie County are down by a third from the height of the oil boom as local and state agencies addressed the surge in traffic.
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