Successful Christmas celebration hosted by Bakken Oil Rush
By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
Nearly 60 children attended the Toy Mall at the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry’s Annual Christmas Celebration, held Saturday, Dec. 7, and picked out not one, but two special gifts to take home this Christmas season.
The air in the Civic Center gym was overtaken by pure bliss as many families gathered together with Dwayne Keener and other volunteers of the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry, who spent countless hours organizing another successful Christmas event for the community of Watford City this year.
“We ended up with 56 children and three teenagers who attended the event with their families,” says Dwayne Keener, Bakken Oil Rush Ministry director.
Keener says the real beauty of the event was being able to give children more than one gift as not as many children appeared for the event as Keener had anticipated.
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