Students win scholastic art, writing awards

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
The Plains Art Museum and Red River Valley Writing Project at North Dakota State University have announced the regional award recipients of the 2018 Scholastic Art and Writing awards. And three Watford City High School students are among them. Jordyn Blotsky, Peyton Blotsky and Iida Lehto were honored for the personal essays and poetry they submitted.
“There is a tremendous youth talent in the fields of art and writing in the state of North Dakota, and we are grateful that the awards provide an opportunity for us to recognize that talent in a meaningful way,” said Kelly Sassi, Red River Valley Writing Project director.
Jordyn Blotsky won the highest honor, a gold key award, for her personal essay, “Tides of Schizophrenia,” and a silver key award for her poem, “To the People Others Cannot See.”
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