Stenehjem releases new children’s book, Buddy the Dog

Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
“It’s truly about being accepted as who you are; for what you look like even though you might not look perfect. Because nobody’s perfect,” says Gretchen Stenehjem of her new children’s book, Buddy the Dog.
While writing her very first book, Stenehjem chose to base it off a stray golden retriever who wandered into her family’s life by complete surprise and took their hearts by storm. She has taken the most amazing dog she’s ever owned, Buddy, and brought him back to life.
The focal point of the story is Buddy, a dog who becomes blind in one eye, and then searches for the perfect love in spite of being so imperfect.
Buddy seemed to come into the family’s life randomly, however, Stenehjem says the lessons he taught them felt very intentional.