State investigates poaching in McKenzie County
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
North Dakota Game and Fish Department District Game Warden Keenan Snyder is seeking information on several illegal-taking-of-wildlife incidents over the last month in the Watford City and Williston areas.
According to the Game and Fish Department, six incidents have occurred in the area, including finding of a headless whitetail buck at Demick Lake on Sept. 10, as well as a mule deer doe being shot and left on an approach at Tobacco Gardens along N.D. Highway 1806 on Sept. 23.
Additionally, the department is seeking information on an incident where at approximately 6 p.m. on Oct. 16, a pronghorn buck was shot and left at the Demick Lake area. Reporting individuals stated the poachers were driving a lifted four-door red Chevrolet pickup with no rear license plate.
Two other incidents being investigated in McKenzie County include three mule deer does being shot and left approximately eight miles north of Watford City on Oct. 17. One deer had the hind quarters and backstraps removed, another had the backstraps removed and one was left intact. Finally, at noon on Oct. 18, a concerned citizen reported an individual shot and killed a pronghorn buck and two does approximately five miles northeast of Watford City off of N.D. Highway 1806. The individual was tracked down by Warden Snyder and charges are pending.
The Game and Fish Department is also seeking information on a 5x5 whitetail buck being shot and left at Ochs Wildlife Management Area southwest of Williston during the evening hours of Oct. 17.
Anyone with information on these incidents is asked to call the Report All Poachers telephone number at 800-472-2121, or contact Snyder at 701-770-1072.
RAP is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any of these individuals. The RAP line offers rewards for information that leads to the conviction of fish and wildlife law violators. Reporting parties can remain anonymous.