Skarda embodies all that is good about women in McKenzie County
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
Kathy Skarda embodies everything that is good about McKenzie County. She is up early every day and she works hard. She is warm and her big smile is inviting. She doesn’t take herself too seriously, has a strong moral code, and she shows up.
If you’ve lived in McKenzie County very long, you’ve no doubt heard of the long resume of Kathy Skarda. She is a County Commissioner and an Operations Officer at First International Bank & Trust. She is involved with just about any activity you could think of, such as the Chamber of Commerce, Hockey Board, Baseball Boosters, 4-H, CattleWomen’s Association, and the list goes on.
When asked about her experience navigating her career and politics in McKenzie County as a female her response is telling. “Well, I never thought of it in terms of being a woman.”
“I’ve always showed up and done what I can do and I don’t think anyone has ever included me or excluded me in this county because of my gender,” Skarda explains. “This town is a place where we need workers and common sense. People, male and female, are propelled and rewarded for working their hardest.”
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