June 5, 2019

School looking to fill 42 positions

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer

Over the last several months, 42 positions have opened up in Watford City schools. Administrators have been busy recruiting, interviewing and hiring staff to fill those positions. To date, the McKenzie County School District No. 1 has hired 24 licensed teachers, one social worker, one school nurse and four administrators (including three assistant principals and an activities director).
At this time, administrators are still seeking qualified professionals to fill four elementary classroom teaching positions, two guidance counseling positions, four middle school teaching positions and two special education teaching positions.
“We are pleased to offer assistant principals for each building, social workers, a school nurse and an additional school resource officer to start the 2019-2020 school year,” states Steve Holen, McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 superintendent. “They will provide added support to students and the general building climates and needs.”
As enrollment numbers in Watford City schools climb each year, the district has been required to open new positions.

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