School hires bus company to transport sports teams
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
The lack of enough qualified school bus drivers has forced the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 to contract with Harlow’s School Bus Service, a private bus company, to fill in for some of the district’s transportation needs.
According to Steve Holen, district superintendent, the district has struggled to find drivers for the 26 different routes that shuttle students back and forth from their homes to school each day. But now the lack of drivers is spilling over into filling the slots needed to fill out-of-town extracurricular and sporting events.
“We’ve been unable to find drivers for several of our out-of-town games,” Holen stated during the school board’s meeting on Dec. 10. “That’s why we are looking to use Harlow’s.”
Holen says the district has been unable to find in-house drivers to cover seven events so far this year, which is why the district needed to reach out to Harlow’s.
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