School gets tough on students’ bus behavior

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
When Benard Veasly, McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 transportation director, started to settle into his office last month, he could not stop staring at the stacks of write-ups sitting on his desk.
Before Veasly took over, the district’s bus behavior policy was such that, if a child misbehaved on the bus, the bus driver would write the child up. The driver would pass along the write-ups to the transportation director and the two would deal with each misbehavior on a case by case basis.
The time required, however, to discuss and carry out the proper action for each write-up led to the stacks and stacks of paperwork that were troubling Veasly.
“When I was hired, I promised that the first thing I would tackle was bus behavior,” said Veasly. “And with this new bus discipline program, I think I have done that.”
The new bus behavior plan was accepted unanimously by the school board. They agreed that the new policy should be posted on the bus and that Veasly should put effort into making sure that each student and parent has the opportunity to learn the policy before it goes fully into implementation.
While the school district has always had rules for bus riders, they did not have specific consequences for breaking the rules
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