School board proposes lowest mill levy in history
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
History was made during the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1’s school board meeting on Sept. 9 as board members approved the lowest general fund mill levy in the district’s history.
“The board approved a general fund mill levy of 32.80 mills, which will generate $5,819,58.70 from county property tax owners, to finance the district’s budget for the 2017 school year,” states Steve Holen, school district superintendent. “Our taxpayers are seeing the benefit of the rapidly growing taxable valuation within the school district.”
According to Holen, the taxable valuation of land and property within McKenzie County School District No. 1 increased by $12,946,425 to $177,609,242 this year. Last year’s taxable valuation for property and land in the district was $129,383,089.
Holen says that the biggest reason that the district has seen such an increase in taxable valuation of the property is because of the number of pipelines that have been built.
The school board will be holding a public hearing to consider increasing its property tax levy approximately 5.12 percent at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 27, at the district board room, which is located in the Watford City Intermediate School.
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