Quick action saves child’s life
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
On the morning of Sunday, Jan.27, one Watford City woman collected her coupons and headed to the Family Dollar store to take advantage of a sale on comforters. She had no idea that before her shopping trip was over she would be called upon to perform CPR and save the life of two-year-old Emma Freeland.
Olivia Freeland of Arnegard spent the same morning lounging around with her two daughters. Just before noon, she decided to head into town to buy a loaf of bread and let her girls, four-year-old Ava and two-year-old Emma, pick out a treat.
Standing in the checkout line at Family Dollar with her arms full of blankets, Terri Young said that she noticed the cute Freeland girls. They were talking to each other and touching items on nearby displays. Olivia was doing several things at once, trying to keep a hold on her children as she put her items on the checkout counter.
“I made eye contact with Olivia and gave her a little smile,” Young recalled. “I always try to give reassurance to mothers who have their hands full.”
Olivia turned to the cashier and looked away from her children for just a moment. Suddenly, heard a loud crack and a small yelp. Young heard the same awful crack and looked up from counting out her money. Emma had fallen out of the shopping cart and landed directly on her forehead.
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