Planting the seed of career choice

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
Did you know that approximately 80 percent of college students change their major at least once? Imagine your child or grandchild truly knowing what they want to do in life and pursuing just that while also avoiding the entanglements of more debt.
Events such as the T4 (Tools Trades Torque Tech) innovation hosted by the McKenzie County Skills Initiative at the Rough Rider Center in Watford City last week make that possible.
“The more a student can come out of high school with a stronger vision for their career interests, the more likely they will spend less money and time on higher education while filling our workforce needs more efficiently,” says Daniel Stenberg, McKenzie County Job Development Authority executive director.
During two separate sessions, over 900 students from northwest North Dakota gathered around different booths as they had the opportunity to get some hands-on experience that provided a unique way to learn about career opportunities that are more helpful than just reading or hearing about them.
“It’s showing them hands-on experience versus showing them slides of how much money they can make,” says Marko Davinic, Bismarck State College assistant professor of agriculture, technology and natural resources.
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