Parade of Lights to start Watford’s holiday season
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
It’s that time of year again. No, not talking about pumpkin pie and gramma’s stuffing - it’s time for Watford City’s annual Parade of Lights.
The day after Thanksgiving, Friday, Nov. 25, at 6:30 p.m., the Parade of Lights begins on Main Street in Watford City. In years past, there has been a live nativity, Chinese lanterns released into the sky, music, a big parade where families and businesses go all out creating floats to compete for the best float award, a big buck contest and gun raffle, fire trucks and even an appearance by Santa.
Every year the event is a bit different than the last so you will have to come out to see what is in store for this year.
Whether you’ve lived in Watford City your whole life or are new to the area, this is a community event that cannot be missed. The Parade of Lights showcases the real charm of small town living. This is the kind of event that will make you feel like a real Watford’ian, the kind of event that will make you hurry home from out of town.
When asked why she and her family come back year after year to the Parade of Lights, Jennifer Fitzgerald, longtime resident of the area, responded, “It’s a family tradition!”
Over the years, the parade has grown and evolved into what the event is today.
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