Nursing Home moves into new facility

By Kate Ruggles
Farmer Staff Writer
Moving is difficult. So imagine moving 29 senior adults from a place of familiarity to a completely new home. Even though it may have been down the hall and around the corner, it would still be an Everest-like feat.
Thankfully, according to Melodie Johnson, Good Shepherd Nursing Home director, the Nov. 12 move from the old Good Shepherd Home to the newly-constructed and completed facility, went perfectly.
“Perfect is the only word to describe it,” Johnson states.
Johnson says the move took 2½ hours, and was accomplished largely because of the efforts of the staff working that day, as well as the 15 extra staff members that came in to help. But more than that, it was the residents’ family members that volunteered their time to get their loved ones re-situated and settled into their new home, that really made the difference.
“The families were awesome,” states Kim Andrews, a 13-year nursing home employee.
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