Northwest Judicial District to keep vacant judgeship
By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
In a Nov. 22 filing, the North Dakota Supreme Court has ordered the Williston vacancy of retiring Judge David Nelson to be filled in Northwest Judicial District Court.
The order to fill the judgeship will convene the state’s judicial nominating committee as soon as possible, said Jeff Zent, Gov. Jack Dalrymple’s spokesman.
“The committee will be convened asap so that we get a judge in place asap,” Zent said Wednesday, Nov. 22.
The judicial nominating committee has 60 days from convening to forward to the governor a list of candidates for consideration, Zent added. Recommended appointees are interviewed before the governor’s decision.
Committee chairman John Olson said Friday, Nov. 25, that all committee members have been alerted they will meet but no dates have been set.
“We will start that process very, very soon,” Olson said, as committee members are trying to coordinate schedules.
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