Museum brings fun to area children

By Kate Ruggles
Farmer Staff Writer
The Pioneer Museum Director of Outreach Sandy Rieker says that she loves reaching out to young families and young children by being able to offer them fun and educational hands-on activities. She loves this part of her job so much that she recently applied, and was approved, for a grant from the McKenzie County Community Foundation for the museum to keep offering hands-on activities to area children.
“I am so excited to receive this grant,” states Rieker. “Getting this grant opens a whole new avenue for us. It adds more to my budget, which will allow me to offer more programs for children.”
Rieker, who has been working as the Pioneer Museum Director of Outreach for over a year says that the idea to reach out to young families started this past summer when the museum put on its first child-centered activity, the Dino Dig.
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