Monster Spray helps youngster sleep through the night
By Kate Ruggles
Farmer Staff Writer
Sleep is necessary for children and is a precious resource for their mothers. Which is why, when Kelsey Greenhaw, started having trouble with her three-year-old, Madalynn, not sleeping because of monsters, she began searching for a remedy. The remedy she found not only helped with her monster problem, it also went viral.
“It happened in December, 2013, and I asked some of my friends who were mothers, and put a post out on Facebook looking for advice on what kinds of things I could do to help Maddie (Madalynn) go to sleep,” states Greenhaw.
Greenhaw states that Madalynn described the monster as being green, having long, pointy fingers and being attracted to the smell of garbage. So, her first solution was to arm Maddie with Febreze.
“But that did not work, because it was Febreze,” states Greenhaw.
The same day that Greenhaw posted her request for advice, one of her Facebook friends, Austin Johnson, who also happens to work at Barrett Pharmacy & Variety, offered her a solution - Barrett Pharmacy Monster Spray.
“Austin said that Barrett’s had given out the Monster Spray in the past to someone else who was having the same problem, and it worked for them,” states Greenhaw. “She then dropped it by the next day.”
Johnson brought the Monster Spray, which was in a green Barrett Pharmacy prescription bottle with directions that read, “Spray around the room at night before bed, repeat if necessary,” and it worked instantly.
“That night she sprayed it in her room and we did not have any problems,” states Greenhaw.
Greenhaw was so excited about how well the Monster Spray worked that she did what anyone would have done, she posted its success on Facebook, with an accompanying picture of the Monster Spray.
“I had no idea that it had even gone viral until a few friends saw the picture on an iFunny app, and posted it on my wall,” states Greenhaw.
According to Greenhaw, the post went somewhat viral at first, but nothing too huge until recently.
“For some reason, this past month, the post has popped up again and it apparently went very viral,” states Greenhaw. “All of a sudden people started contacting Barrett Pharmacy & Variety and me, to do an interview about the Monster Spray.”
Greenhaw states that she personally has talked with a newspaper in England and a pharmacy looking to post her story on their website. Barrett Pharmacy & Variety, however, according to Josslyn Finck, has had slightly more interaction from Greenhaw’s post.
“It really blew up the weekend of the girls’ state hockey,” states Finck. “I spent most of that weekend responding to the pharmacy Facebook page and people who had posted comments about our Monster Spray.”
Finck states that she has spoken to at least 50 people about the story from all over the world.
“I have talked to people from Bulgaria, New Zealand and Australia, and most recently, Brazil,” states Finck.
According to Finck, Barrett’s began carrying Monster Spray about six years ago, but has only had requests for it a handful of times. But now, in addition to talking to people about the spray, Finck has been busy filling orders from all over the country for the spray.
“We have gotten requests from Louisiana to New York,” states Finck. “People have gotten on our website and requested an order of Monster Spray because their child was having trouble sleeping.”
To her knowledge, the post regarding Barrett Pharmacy & Variety’s Monster Spray has been re-posted on multiple sites, including iFunny and HOT96.
“It is difficult to get a handle on just how many people have liked the post, but one site alone had over 800,000 likes and 72,000 shares,” states Finck. “The feedback regarding this has been amazing. The nice things that people have been saying about this post have been overwhelming and it just makes what you do worth it.”
As for little Madalynn, she is conquering her monster problem. Greenhaw states that she still uses the spray when she needs to, and that the spray has given her control and helped her to not be so afraid.