Minutes matter when it comes to saving lives

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
Dr. Mary Aaland, trauma surgeon and director for the North Dakota Rural Surgery Support Program, is presenting at this year’s McKenzie County Healthcare Systems Women’s Day on Nov. 10. Aaland will begin the Women’s Day events as the keynote speaker at 9 a.m. and will then hold several hands-on breakout sessions throughout the day.
Aaland’s presentation will focus on two things: colon cancer prevention and how to pack wounds. While learning how to pack wounds and stop bleeding in a trauma situation may not be at the top of your to-do list, according to Aaland, it should be.
“North Dakota has one of the highest death rates for auto accidents in the country,” Aaland said. “The clock is literally ticking in a bleeding situation and we need to come up with some solutions for these people to stop bleeding before professional help gets to them.”
Aaland is trying to be a part of the solution as a teacher for the Stop the Bleed Campaign.
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