McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc. names new Chief Executive Officer

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
After serving as McKenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc.’s chief operating officer for nearly two years, Matt Hanson was appointed as the new CEO on April 11.
“We are in a wonderful part of the country when you look at the energy spectrum,” Hanson says. “We serve such a large oil and gas industry. There’s growth and a lot of opportunity to continue to serve members with reliable, cost-competitive energy.”
With more than 15 years experience in both investor-owned and cooperative utilities, Hanson brings a diverse portfolio to the position.
“I’ve always been somebody that enjoys working with my hands and working with others,” he says.
With a father who was a utility worker, Hanson spent much of his younger years in his shadow.
“He spent most of his time in the generation space, so I spent a lot of my time growing up in power plants,” he says.
Naturally, being around that culture and industry would rub off.
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