Main Street businesses ready for rush of trick or treaters

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
When the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce announced on Oct. 16, that it would not be sponsoring the annual Trail of Treats this Halloween, it didn’t take long for Watford City Main Street merchants to come together to keep the annual event happening.
This year’s Trick or Treat on Main Street will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 30.
“I already bought enough candy for 900 kids this year, so I’m going ahead with this even if the Chamber is not,” says one business owner.
According to the business owner, every Main Street merchant she has spoken with following the cancellation has also said they ordered their candy in advance with the assumption the trick-or-treating event would take place, she says.
“As Gov. Doug Burgum has now moved McKenzie County’s COVID-19 status to the Code Orange “high risk” level, we have made the hard decision to cancel this year’s Trail of Treats on Main Street to follow recommended guidelines of large gatherings,” stated Angie Moe, Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce president on Oct. 16.