Lynn Helms announces his retirement
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Lynn Helms, who has been at the head of the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources since it was founded in 2005, and who headed the North Dakota Oil and Gas division for seven years before that, has announced his retirement.
“Words cannot begin to describe the immense value that Lynn Helms has brought to North Dakota,” Industrial Commission members said in a joint statement. “Under his leadership, our state has emerged as an energy powerhouse, in addition to being a global leader in carbon management. His colleagues have immense respect for him, and he is recognized as an international leader in his field, especially by his counterparts on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. His highly capable and balanced approach to regulatory oversight, has allowed our oil and gas industry to thrive and generate tax revenues that have built a multi-billion-dollar legacy for future generations of North Dakotans. We are deeply grateful for Lynn’s service and commitment to ensuring a smooth transition to new leadership, and we wish him all the best in retirement.”
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