‘We’re just helping out where we can’

(Editor’s note: This is part six of six in a series profiling community members of McKenzie County’s smaller towns.)
By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
People’s conversations and a bouncing basketball fill the space of the Mandaree Community Center as bingo players line up for their cards and tacos.
In the kitchen are Donovan and Caspie Abbey, slinging meat and ingredients like a choreographed routine while kids take patrons’ money for tacos, $6 each.
“We’re just helping out where we can,” Donovan said, helping fundraise for Mandaree’s annual powwow next week, bringing the toppings for the tacos that night as their contribution.
“The committee’s coming together here,” he said. “Everybody in the community brings something.”
Powwows are a strong part of the Abbeys’ family life, as they’ve traveled the country to dance, from Texas to Louisiana, Wyoming to Canada.
Caspie is a head lady dancer and their daughter Tessa is a two-time champion dancer from powwows in Albuquerque. The family also danced at last year’s Heritage Day in Watford City.
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