Local teens heading to National High School Rodeo Finals

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
A group of local teens are getting their last pracitce runs in as they get ready to head to Rock Springs, Wyoming to compete in the National High School Rodeo Competition.
Eli Leppell
Eli Leppell is a member of the Watford City Rodeo club and he has been rodeoing for 13-14 years, which is most of his life. He is a senior this year and eagerly anticipates competing in rodeo in the future as well. His favorite event is bull riding. He has made it to Nationals five times and is looking forward to participating again.
Zoey Wagoner
Zoey Wagoner is a freshman and is excited to be participating in Nationals this year. Her favorite event is pole bending and she especially loves competing on her horse named Lil Joe. She is the North Dakota State Pole Bending Champion this year and was also name Rookie of the year. She has been doing rodeo since she was four years old and still loves it.
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