Local kids heading to the National High School Rodeo Championship in Gillette

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Seven local kids have not only competed in the North Dakota State Rodeo, but they placed high enough to go to the National High School Rodeo Association’s National Championship in Gillette, Wyoming. Another local teen had the honor of having her horse named Horse of the Year.
Tel Sorenson is excited to be heading back to the High School Rodeo National Competition for the second year in a row. This is also his second year as the North Dakota High School Rodeo State Champion in team roping with his roping partner and friend, Trevor Sorge, from Garrison.
Tel says he has been riding horses his whole life, and his love for horses shows when he talks about them. Even though he graduated from high school this year, this passionate young man already has a business breaking horses, which is the process of training and working with them.
His current horse for this competition is a 13 year-old black gelding named Kenny. Not only does Kenny receive high praises from this experienced horseman, he has also won North Dakota High School’s Horse of the Year for the boys.
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