Library plans for Saturday hours starting in September

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
As part of an ongoing effort to increase the patronage and public access to the McKenzie CountyPublic Library, starting September 2, the library will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m on Saturdays.
Library Director, Ian Anguiano, made the suggestion to the McKenzie County Board of Commissioners, saying the increased hours outside of the “traditional 9-5” will allow patrons who can’t visit during the weekday hours to have access on the weekend.
For now, the library employees will rotate the Saturday shift.
Anguiano says that they are excited to have the increased hours. He added, “those [new] hours may be subject to expansion in the future if patron feedback is positive and our various boards approve.”
This is part of an ongoing initiative the library has undertaken to increase the services offered by the library, and to provide access and service to a wider range of patrons.